SUE Subsurface Utility Engineering

Subsurface Utility Engineering

Subsurface Utility Engineering is a practice engaged during various planning and construction phases to identify underground infrastructure and conflicts. It involves utility locating, utility mapping and surveying.

In 2011, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) released Standard S250 Mapping of Underground Utility Infrastructure. The Standard is described as a collective framework for best practices to map, depict and manage records across Canada. CSA S250 complements and extends ASCE Standard 38-02 by setting out requirements for generating, storing, distributing, and using mapping records to ensure that underground utilities are readily identifiable and locatable. Accuracy levels expand upon ASCE 38-02 Quality Level A, prescribing a finer level of detail to define the positional location of the infrastructure.

(GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar

GPR investigations are an essential part of any locating Project. Our well-trained and field-experienced technicians expertly collect, analyze, and interpret the sub surface’s composition and any infrastructure elements. GPR can accurately establish the location, direction, and depths of utilities. Locating voids, establishing the water table and other soils layers through contrasting dielectric properties is one of several techniques employed at WCS.


Electromagnetic Locators (EM)

These devices help us locate buried metallic utilities by detecting the electromagnetic fields they emit. By analyzing the signal strength and direction, we can very precisely mark the entity’s position for mapping or excavating purposes.

A-Frame Fault Locator

We employ RF detection technology to induce frequencies to conductive utilities/embeds. 4-way sweeps are also very helpful when conducting a thorough locate. The A-frame is used to locate ground faults in direct buried insulated wire.


GIS and GPS Integration

Our utilities locate services seamlessly integrate with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies. This enables precise mapping, data management, and easy collaboration with other project stakeholders.